Monday, 28 September 2009

File Formats

where to use where not to+ bad things good things + examples

JPG- this is the method that is most commonly used for the compression of photographic images/pictures. Where as jpg isn't very good in the case of textual imagery, a bad thing about jpg is that when the image is stretched it will blur because the between each of the pixels the color that is meant to be used is guessed and put in.

GIF- Graphics Interchange Format should be used in logos which can consist of short animation based clips. A gif should not be used in the general use of digital photography due to the limited coloring. The good thing about this format is that due to its selection of solid coloring in each frame available in the animations. A bad point though is that gif format can not be used to reproduce digital photography because of it limited color scheme.

PNG- Portable Networks Graphics is a bitmapped image format which uses lossless compression, it can be used in imagery that is meant to have transparency which would get rid of the white line that may surround an image. PNG should not be used unprofessional graphing due to not supporting color spaces. A good thing about PNG is that it allows transparency in pictures, but a bad point is that it is not designed for professional graphics.

TIFF- Tagged Image File Format, this file format is used to store images like photographs. A good point about a TIFF file format is that they are supported by many image manipulation programs, but a bad point about TIFF formatted files is that it hasn't really been updated since 1992.

SVG- Scalable vector graphics, it is a family of formats that is used for describing 2D vector graphics. A bad point about SVG is a open standard that has been underdevelopment since 1999, and a good point is that SVG files can simply be made and edited by any text editor program.

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